Laid Miska to rest 10/14/09. We will miss her insistence on LOTs of doggie bones, her love of walks and the bouncy way she greeted me when I came home from work. She was a high stepping prancer in her younger days. She always knew right where to plant that cold wet nose when you least expected it! She was a brave girl. Pain was her enemy and she has escaped it. Good-bye darling Miska.
Laid Shadow to rest 10/12/2009. I will miss him greeting me with great enthusiasm when I come home from work, and then running back into the house a head of me through his beloved doggie door. I will miss him demanding a chewie with persistence. I will even miss the doggie bone crumbs all over the floor. He was a sweet dog and loved by the cats too. We buried him in the spot where he dug a big hole and used to like to lie in it in the summer time. We would only see his head peeking out. We buried him with Tiger and their leash and Shadow's collar. Planted a mass of daffodils and tulips above him. My poor sweet Shadow.