Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Almost the end of February.....

Isn't winter over yet???? About one more month to go! I can't wait for Spring!

This has been an interesting past few weeks.
-We've taken George's car in for repairs 7 times in 4 weeks (it runs great now!).

- finished staining and varnishing a new door for our bedroom (which we bought unfinished a year ago).

- nursed a cat back to health - although he still needs probably another week of confinement and his "e-collar". At least he doesn't resemble a vulture anymore. He just looks like Yoda now.

- we're in the middle of converting from an oil furnace that is dying to a new 95% efficient gas furnace/air conditioner/humidifier/air filter combo $$$ (the front yard looks like a giant mole went through it - that is when you can see the ground under the 7 inches of snow we currently have).

-George has a new job beginning the week after next that sounds like it will be an interesting one with a growing company (with a 9.8 mile commute- half the distance he currently drives!). He is taking next week off before he starts the new job and is happily planning all kinds of projects to do around the house - including cutting holes in the ceiling to install insulation in the upper part of the house and rewiring and installing receptacles and overhead lights in 2 of the upstairs rooms. He also said something about sanding and varnishing stairs. (I may be glad I've got to work all of next week!).

-George's daughter Jill is currently in New Zealand for 4 months doing a research job after getting her Master's degree in December, and announced that she and Jullian are getting a divorce. We feel badly for both of them. Jullian called Sunday when he got back in the States and we were all in tears.

-I have been grading papers nonstop for the last 4 weeks with just 2 days off during that whole time! One more week to go until Hiram's Spring Break!

That's it for now. Make it a good day!

1 comment:

CB said...

Wow - you've got a lot going on! I love your blog - I check it every few days in the hope of finding out what is happening with you and George. Looking forward to a more detailed "catch up" on everyone's lives this summer.

Off to the school Friendship Festival today - kids are very excited.
