Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Amused and OMG!

Busy times! Just retrieved Anya from college. Josh is in the process of returning/leaving. Lots of news!

News first: Anya was told by her oil painting teacher (a class she dreaded originally) that she and another girl were the best painters in the class and that he had selected their paintings to go in the Foundation Show that will be up all summer and fall for prospective students/parents/community to see. This is slightly hilarious since her painting illustrates her nude boyfriend, Steven, as the prime focus of the painting. Only art students can get away with nudity! I haven't seen the real painting, just her pictures of it on her computer. It is quite good and is hard to describe since it contains many other things as well - even a greyhound! She now likes oil painting (and skirts too, I learned!).

Josh achieved his goal !!!!!! He won a seat at the World Series of Poker! They will pay the $10,000 buy in for a seat at the table plus $2,500 for traveling expenses and a suite of rooms if he wears the Poker Star gear at the table. Wow! This all makes me proud and VERY NERVOUS! The tournament is July 3 in Las Vegas. Maybe he'll sit at the same table as the other Josh Ewing who is a famous poker guy! He might even be on TV!

The class I thought was cancelled, wasn't! I thought I was off the hook from teaching the lab portion of an intensive 7 week Bio class this May/June but received a call last Wed. as I was packing to go on our trip East saying that we were going to teach it after all. There are only 2 students. So I quickly scrambled and taught lab yesterday - and will 3X a week for 3 hours each for the next 7 weeks. At least the grading won't be bad! I'll also get paid extra which will really help with paying off the new furnace, tooth repairs, car repairs, baby trips, etc.

We spent 4 days Thursday - Sunday out East. Visited Mike and Amy first and saw the beautifully decorated nursery and Lily the dog. Lily is an 18 month old Pit Bull mix, but she is a good girl. VERY strong, though and full of energy. They didn't know she was a Pit Bull mix when they picked her out at the APL as a puppy. They have really worked hard with her though and she has come a long way and is adorable. Not aggressive at all. Hopefully she won't trip them on the stairs! They are all ready to become new parents (HA HA HA!!!) (ie, they haven't a clue.....). We took them the giant Pooh Bear that Josh won as a middle schooler since they had the room decorated with a Winnie the Pooh theme. Took them an air conditioner too.

Had a delightful visit with Adam and Vanessa. Adam seemed very confident and happy and busy. He has invented a new procedure that helps with sequencing genes that the gene sequencing companies are interested in, so I guess they talk to him a lot. His work is progressing nicely it sounds like. Very interesting, but difficult for me to explain! They have a cozy little apartment with access to the outdoors now with their very own enclosed "yard". Vanessa is trying to plant things. She is still crocheting and taking Belly Dancing classes! She is hoping to get out of retail soon and is interviewing. Adam gave me a wonderful box of chocolates (which I have to defend from George!) for Mother's day.

Visited the "Mutter Museum of Human Oddities" in Philly on our own. Very strange and slightly disturbing but interesting collection! Glad Amy didn't see it since many of the exhibits were deformed fetuses or Siamese twins. Lots of human misery illustrated throughout.

Amy and Mike made us a great breakfast and gave me a Mother's day present - which I certainly didn't expect! We then journeyed on to get Anya. She was much more ready than we thought she would be - she stayed up all night evidently packing and cleaning. Not that there wasn't still plenty to finish! We moved part of her stuff to a storage unit that she had rented along with several friends. We also ended up moving one of her friend's furniture too, since planning is not a freshman college student's strong point and she didn't have any way to transport it on her own on the days the unit was open! The girls bought us lunch though, so it was all good. Students always complain about cafeteria school food, but we thought it was great! Its a good thing we stored some of Anya's stuff, since she barely had room to sit once the van was loaded. We then went on to Chris's house, George's sister. Had a lovely visit with all her "babies" - 3 dogs and 13 cats! Chris gave me a bottle of wine "Mommy's Time Out". Had a nice dinner she made and George installed a ceiling fan in her kitchen.

Got home Sunday early evening. Listened to the cd book "Catch Me If You Can". It made the miles fly. 929 miles round trip. Josh had mowed the lawn (!) and gave me a "Yours Truly" gift certificate for Mother's day. Anya heard all about this funny country and western song I'd heard about "I just want to check you for ticks..." on our trip so she bought me the artists cd and some chocolates for a belated mother's day present. The country and western singer is Brad Paisley - and he is quite good with many amusing songs! Funny!


Bruce Bennett said...

Golly! Spring sure has sprung on you - eh? We are scrambling to keep up now too...

Unknown said...
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