Tuesday, August 26, 2008

WaaaaaaaaaHOOOOOOOO !

I did it! I rode my bicycle in to work at Hiram and back today (and even managed to actually do some work once I got to work!) ~ 40 miles round trip and I'm still alive and mostly mobile! If I don't lose at least one pound after this I will be horribly po'd. I had to walk up a couple of the large hills but was very happy overall with my performance. In some ways I think I was stronger than the first time I did it 4 years ago. Not bad for a 52 1/2 year old person! It was a beautiful day to do it and just the right temperature. My only regret was that I didn't have my camera with me and that my bicycle computer only seemed to feel like working intermittently. I think once a year is plenty since the large trucks on the small stretches of busy roads I had to venture out on make me nervous. I was mostly on the backroads fortunately. Saw 3 squashed snakes...

Anya and George ordered Chinese for dinner and took care of the rest of the chores all evening. I took a long, hot bath in Calgon! We'll see how well I do out in the field tomorrow setting up and marking the stream reach zones for our lab classes. I hope I can move!

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