Friday, May 1, 2009

Just Ducky...

We may have been exposed to the H1N1 virus aka Swine Flu. Just great. George said an employee came in to work yesterday and quickly got sicker and left for home after working half a day. It turns out his father has been home ill for several days. Guess where his father works? His father works in the only school in the Cleveland area with a confirmed case of the H1N1 virus in Elyria, Ohio. The child that was sick at this school just returned from a vacation in Mexico. We received a phone call this morning saying the employee and his children are all quite sick today. Connect the dots.... I guess I won't be visiting with anyone for a while.

Wash your hands! Stay home if you feel at all sick, please!!!!


CB said...

Oh my - I hope it missed you! Please keep us posted. No cases in Qatar yet but, as oil industry people fly between here and Houston all the time (Qatar Air had a direct flight)it probably is just a matter of time. I keep hoping this thing will just disappear.

Kate said...

Well, if you get it now when the darn thing mutates like the 1918 virus you'll at least have some immunity....