Friday, June 5, 2009

New Baby!

Introducing "Lucky". He earned the name by just barely avoiding being road kill yesterday. Jodi, one of the profs. at Hiram was driving students to Akron and stopped one inch short of hitting this little guy on a busy street! He crawled under her car, so they had to get out to capture him. He is a typical insane, loving kitten! He is litter trained already. The other cats are not too pleased at all. He hissed mightly at them in return and puffed himself up. He doesn't think dogs are at all cool either. He spit and hissed at them just for existing. He did finally calm down watching Shadow snore and fell asleep in my lap.
We are keeping all the cats locked in at night so they won't be able to harvest any more baby bunnies! It finally dawned on me that I could shut the cats in at night in the lower half of the house. We can't block the dog door or we would be getting up to let the dogs out all night. The cats are definitely NOT happy about this new arrangement. I rescued two tiny rabbits last night and took them to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center and I'm sick of finding slaughtered rabbits, mice, chipmunks, etc. in my house!

1 comment:

CB said...

He is precious!