Saturday, January 12, 2013

Back to Blogging Again!

It has been a very long time since I posted to this Blog!  We did go on that fantastic 320+ mile bicycle ride 2 years ago from Pittsburgh to Washington, D.C. and many more since then of lesser length. 

I actually went on my first bicycle ride of the year TODAY!!!! January 12, 2013!!!  It was in the 60's and I managed to get in a 6+ mile bicycle ride while children played in snowplow pile remnants 2 feet high along the road.  I only needed a fleece jacket.

We are currently in the throes of remodeling!  It began with the desire to finally update my 1950's kitchen and has morphed into gutting the kitchen and master bathroom upstairs plus repairing various ceilings, walls and several painting projects here and there.  I'll post pictures as we go.  We have installed a new ceiling light, ordered a refrigerator, gas stove with a convection oven and a DISHWASHER (something I haven't had!).  We also ordered the cabinets $$$$$ and are considering various options for the counter tops.  I worked on ordering a new bathroom vanity today and learned all about Cambria quartz counter tops.  :-)

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