These are pictures of Vanessa's cropped swing jacket and an example of the benches we made for mom and dad and Bruce and Susan for Christmas. Right now Baby Cat is "helping" me type by lying on my arm.
Saturday Adam and Vanessa stopped by on their whirl-wind Christmas tour of relatives! We were happy to see them, even if it had to be briefly. I'll have to add the picture of Vanessa in her cropped jacket and belly-dancing scarf (over jeans)! It was quite a combination! She was cute in both!
Had a fun final Christmas fling on Sunday with Bruce, Sue, Gavin, Ian, Keely, Evan, Josh, Anya, Steven, Mom and Dad. Had tons of food, presents and fun games. We have quite the competitive family!
Anya and I did yoga this morning and journeyed to JoAnn Fabrics to check out the sales. That was fun! Finished off a letter of recommendation for Ian (since one of the profs he had requested one from didn't follow through in time).
Love the benches and jackets - you are very creative! There are now 2 Baby Cats in the family - I received Baby for Christmas! She came from QAWS (Qatar Animal Welfare Society) and is very shy - we are working on that. Will try to get a picture up on my blog soon
Happy New Year!
Hi! Saw your comment on my blog. Our Baby Cat is doing much better - everyday she spends a little less time hiding. The stray we had neutered spent the night with us (still groggy last night), but was bright eyed this AM so we let her go. Wouldn't blame the poor thing if she never came near our house again!
happy new a tad late my internet connection went wankie
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