Saturday, December 6, 2008

On to Christmas!

It's snowing again today! Wow! Non stop winter since the week before Thanksgiving! Had a nice Thanksgiving at Bruce and Susan's. It was Susan's birthday too so I made a carrot cake in addition to the pies Chris and I made. It was a very nice, relaxing Thanksgiving day. We had a house full with Adam, Vanessa, Chris and Anya staying for a few days. It was so nice to see them all and get a chance to visit a bit. I sure did a lot of cooking!

Visited George's other sisters in New York last Saturday.

Shampooed part of the livingroom rug this morning and washed and waxed several floors in preparation to tackling decorating for Christmas. I won a cute angel at the Finnish Ladies Luncheon that mom bought as table decorations. That has inspired me to get busy and decorate.

I'm about done with Christmas gifts although I have a few more things to make and a bunch more projects swirling around in my head to start just for the hell of it. I should be focusing on getting ready for next semester, but haven't gotten too excited about that yet.

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