Thursday, January 29, 2009

3rd Place ! ! !

What a thrill! I really didn't expect to win anything by entering my crazy quilt sweater in the Lake Farm Park Quilt Show. I was just excited to actually have something I made in my very first quilt show - and to have finally finished this project which I've been working on for 15+ years off and on! I got a message on my office phone that I placed 3rd in the quilted garments category! Now this may mean that only 3 things were entered in this category, but I'll take it!!! Cool beans! Now, maybe I should go to the reception after all.....


Bruce Bennett said...


Willa said...

Scroll down the page, Bruce! I posted pictures a while back of the crazy quilt sweater I entered in the quilt show....

Kate said...


ExtraGrunty said...
