Sunday, April 12, 2009

An Easter Miracle!

Guess who arose from the dead this morning at 9:30 am????!!!!!
Our cat, Astra / Arlo!!!!!!!!!!! He's been gone for about 2 weeks! We were pretty sure he must be dead.

He came walking into the yard this morning and the other cats greeted him like they were saying, "where have you been???" His eyes look pretty raw and sore, but otherwise he looks pretty good. He acted very shy and wouldn't come in the house so I gave him some food outside. He didn't seem overly ravenous so I'm wondering where he has been! Maybe he is a 'dual home' cat and they have kept him in or something. Who knows!

Anyway, we were very glad and surprised to see him! What a nice Easter gift!
We might start calling him 'Jesus'!!!

Happy Easter!!!


CB said...

Glad he's back! Wish he could really tell you his story. Here's hoping he doesn't decide to "go on vacation" again!

Kate said...

Cats do that...they like to go on walk-abouts I think they might be Austrilian...