Monday, April 6, 2009

Yesterday I got a sunburn - today it is snowing like crazy!

Yuck! The birds are feeding like fiends and the snow is coming down like crazy! Good grief! They are saying anywhere from 3 -5 inches to a foot in the 'snow belt'!

Yesterday we restored order to most of our gravel driveway, removed the plowing stakes and took down the Christmas wreath from the garage peak (which unfortunately had a bird's nest built on top of it!). I worked on the yard/garden a bit in a t-shirt and even got a bit of a sunburn. Put the unfortunate bird's nest in the nesting box on our window. Maybe it will encourage someone to move in. Mrs. Bluebird has been examining it. She still tries to get in our front picture window daily. The cats love it.

Speaking of cats, I fear we may have lost Astra/Arlo. He hasn't been seen for a week. I hunted for him off and on, but no luck. We may be down to two cats. He was a good cat. He loved everyone, but was very shy.

Went to visit Uncle Johnny Friday afternoon and took him a bouquet of daffodils. His feeding tube had come out and he was waiting for them to take him to Geauga Hospital to have it reinserted. He said all he wanted was a cold glass of water and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Poor man! I hope he gets this wish soon. They have to take the tracheotomy thing out first.

This is my last week of class. Thank heavens! I am sick of grading papers. I need to finish planning out the Biology 153 class for this summer this week as well. 'Tis a silly place' at school.


Anya Rose Ewing said...

Oh no, I hope he turns up. He was such a sweet thing... shy, but very loving.

CB said...

Hope your kitty returns soon!

Anya Rose Ewing said...

Oh, also - maybe since he's been gone this long you should put out "Lost Cat" posters? I can make some for you to print out if you want. Maybe someone found him, caught him and brought him in - I mean, he does tend to look kind of scrawny and beat up, someone could've thought he needed care.

Kate said...

at least it wasn't tornadoes...