Monday, May 26, 2014

Level II Adventures!

Ready for a funny story? Yesterday, I decided to work on swatch 24 (the last one for my Level II, yay!!!!) outside in my lovely reclining deck chair. The instructions say to add a another ball of yarn while working the pocket. I didn't have another ball, so I decided to use the other yarn end of the ball I was using. So far, so good despite a few tangles. Then I discovered I had split two stitches and had to do some knitting surgery, but in the process of fixing these two mistakes, the cats decided to give chase to a hapless chipmunk. Now I couldn’t just sit there and watch it get murdered, despite the fact that it had earned a Darwin Award by even venturing into our fenced back yard full of cats, so I dropped my knitting and joined the chase. I finally did succeed in driving away the cats with the water hose. By the time I got back to my knitting I couldn’t remember what row I was on! Sigh. Then I discovered that I had one end of the working yarn going over the chair arm and one under the chair arm. This basically meant I was trapped and MUST finish knitting the swatch in that chair. Of course, the black flies and midges thought this was a grand idea and they got very busy making me regret that mistake and it was with great relief that I could finally cut one of the active yarn ends and get free !!! Ah, the trials of knitting!!! (My husband had several chuckles over this.....)

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