Sunday, December 2, 2007

Christmas Trees

Christmas trees are full of history. Each ornament speaks to me as I rediscover it and place it on the tree. Little hands fashioned this one - although now those hands are full grown. A friend I lost touch with made these delicate paper ornaments for me as a gift one year. I wonder how she is. Some speak to me about trips I've taken to Germany, Florida., etc. I think about the time I was there. Others were made by my grandparents, bridesmaids, sister-in-laws, mother or me, or given to me by my sister. I think about each person. Some ornaments represent former passions or hobbies that make me smile. My Christmas tree is alive with history and is full of stories.

1 comment:

Anya Rose Ewing said...

We do have a lovely collection of ornaments! I recall that I used to sit by the tree with some of my little Lion King and 101 Dalmatian action figures and have them partake in epic adventures amongst the branches and ornaments. Darth Vader will always be the highlight of that tree for me.