Saturday, October 4, 2008

So, Anya got hit by a car....

....however, she is okay except for a few bruises and scrapes. She was riding her bicycle on the sidewalk in Baltimore and someone pulling out of a parking lot hit her, knocked her off her bike and ran over the back tire. They didn't even get out of their car to help her but left her there to fend for herself. She was too afraid to ask for any identification and didn't think to get a license plate number so there is no way she can get compensation for her ruined bicycle. What an awful phone message to get on my cell phone! I'm just glad she is okay. I'm also kind of glad that she now doesn't have a bicycle in Baltimore. I was worried about that. She's had a very difficult semester so far with her computer hard drive crashing and now this!

George spent the day cheerfully (really!) installing our new tankless gas water heater. It works! It's really tiny and is attached to the wall. We discovered that the leaking electric water heater is still under warranty for about a week longer, so we may call that in and see if they will honor it. Yesterday George took half a day off work to begin to install the new water heater instead of going to his Academy golf tournament! The day before he had to install a new sump pump since the old one wouldn't shut off in the morning. He did get the old one to work again, so we will save it as a backup. He discovered the back flow valve was shot in the piping and fixed that too.

I've been buried in a pile of 90+ lab reports and other papers to grade for the last two weeks. Hopefully I'll get them all done by this coming Wednesday. This is the worst time of the semester. Of course, all the spring bulbs I ordered got delivered last week too! I planted about 40 bulbs today for about an hour as a break from grading.

1 comment:

CB said...

Thank goodness Anya is OK - very scary!