Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Awoke to the white stuff this morning. We had a few teaser flakes on Tuesday, but today it actually stuck around. Fortunately not much fell since many of the trees still have their leaves. We lost one fairly large branch in the front yard, but that is it.

I'm home today waiting for the second visit of the washing machine repairman. Hopefully I will shortly have a functioning washer. The dirty clothes hamper is over flowing! This sure has been an expensive year: a new high efficiency gas furnace/air conditioner, new water softener, new tankless water heater, new Honda Civic Hybrid, new electric grass trimmer, new sump pump, new insulation and several expensive dog and cat vet bills! The good news is that many of these qualify for tax credits because of their energy efficiency and because they are cheaper to run (filled up the empty Honda for $28 the other day!) that will help eventually pay for them all.

I've been very busy being a Christmas elf and my workshop is overflowing with "creations". Fun! I only have 3 1/2 weeks left of this semester and the remaining labs aren't too taxing fortunately. I've begun preping for next semester too, so I can take off most of December with a clear conscience.

Make it a good day!

1 comment:

CB said...

Snow - wow! Weather news here is that is got below 80. Yep - got up yesterday morning and the temperature was 78. Stay warm!