Saturday, November 22, 2008

And the snow continues....

We will have to retrieve our driveway since it looks like most of the stones have already been plowed up to the fringes of the parking area.....sigh. We were plowed 3 times in the past 24 hours! I'm glad we will be getting our monies worth! $200 was a bargain for snow plowing for the season if this keeps up!

I spent the most I've ever spent at a grocery store today - over $660!!!!!!! Of course that included gift cards and a Petsmart card and all the stuff for guests and our Thanksgiving contributions. I also spent over $100 on items to fill a tote container for a family (a mom and a 1 year old and 2 year old) that fled from an abusive situation with only the clothes on their backs. They need everything to start over. They are being sponsored by the Hiram community. I bought basic bathroom and kitchen items - stuff I thought you would need to set up a household with babies. I also got towels, hand towels, washcloths, scissors and a sewing kit and the 18 gallon tote at Kmart to add to the grocery store items. Whew! I'll take it all in on Monday. I understand they will be moving in to an apartment next weekend.

Snow kept us from traveling this weekend. We'll try again next weekend. I have a whole house to clean and get ready for Chris, Adam, Vanessa and Anya anyway. Plus I have several sewing projects and knitting projects competing for my attention! I also have the decorating urge....

George installed rigid plastic on the outside of the door to help insulate it (since we removed the storm door due to the doggie door). The insulation he installed in the attic seems to help keep the upstairs warmer. The snow isn't melting off the roof like it used too over that part of the house.

Watched a good movie last night I'd recommend : "Charlie Wilson's War". Historic, moving and funny all at once. Tom Hanks plays the main character.

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