Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our electricity is back on and we got a full night's sleep, so life is good! We were kept up most of the previous night by a horrendous wind storm! It culminated in knocking out our electricity for most of the day yesterday. Thank goodness for our generator.

The quilt show exhibitors reception was very nice. There were 7 items in my category and 249 quilted items displayed in total. Gorgeous, hard work! They managed to misspell my first name on my crazy quilt sweater but promised to fix it before the show opened today. They got it right everywhere else - including the last name!

I'm paying the price for my flexible schedule this weekend as I have a mind numbing pile of papers to grade....

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

CB said...

Happy Valentine's Day to You!