Saturday, February 28, 2009

Musings....My Theory of Creativity

To understand my newly created 'Theory of Creativity' two bits of information might be helpful:

First bit of information: you must understand what fluorescence is. Definition: Luminescence that occurs where the energy is supplied by electromagnetic radiation, usually ultraviolet light. The energy source kicks an electron of an atom from a lower energy state into an "excited" higher energy state; then the electron releases the energy in the form of light (luminescence) when it falls back to a lower energy state.

Now understand that I just spent all of last week explaining over and over again how chlorophyll molecules absorb the energy of sunlight which then either passes the energy on to split water molecules into oxygen gas (lucky for us!) and Hydrogen ions (used to eventually produce usable energy for the cell, ATP, and ultimately produce glucose when combined with carbon dioxide (hurrah for plants once again!). OR the energy absorbed is remitted as red light (fluorescence).

Second piece of information: I watched a short video clip speech presented by a writer who has published a best selling book (never heard of it). Briefly she was explaining how she was approaching the daunting task of continuing to create despite the fact that she may never produce another book as widely acclaimed as her best seller. She haled back to the ancient Greeks and Romans who felt that creativity was sent from the 'gods' as a 'gif't to selected mortals - so if you wanted to be creative I guess you needed to beg the gods and you could also blame your lack of creativity on them as well. This gave you a scape goat if you weren't able to produce so you could avoid the depression often associated with creative folks.

Okay, so I pondered this for awhile and I think that a better analogy of the source of creativity would be that being creative is like fluorescence. You need to surround yourself with the sources of inspiration - if want to create art - surround yourself with fellow artists, go to museums, look at art - you then 'absorb' all kinds of ideas in that vein with your brain which then remitts this absorbed energy as a newly created project! Viola! Fluorescence!!! The same would be true of work in science - surround yourself with all the myriad branches of science - the bits and pieces of information and your brain can remit that as a brand new idea! Fluorescence ! The energy is absorbed and part of the energy is emitted as something brand new. Introducing my theory of creativity!!!! Don't you feel enlightened?

Make it good day!


CB said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Well done Willa. The key is the pondering after input. Since nothing exists of and by itself the theory of dependent origination (Ancient Texts in Pali of the Buddha's Suttas). Surrounding yourself with greatness will work to a point but the repetition of the action (including thought) is how it will become habitual and embedded into the cellular structure. Creativity is only creativity when the rules are thrown out the window. learning to draw is easy when you tame the mind and draw what you see and not what your mind tells you you should see out of the habitual struggle to make sense of the environment.

Any way ... I am just babbling

Carlton Jackson

Willa said...

I love you comment Carl! I was thinking of adding that experience is necessary too after initially writing down my thoughts. It is an interesting point that you then need to release your grasp on convention to be truly creative. That explains the 'idiot savant' phenomenon, where those less fortunate are supremely talented in one area - like in "Rain Man".

Bruce Bennett said...

Wow. That one read like *I* wrote it!!

---I *LIKE* it, of course ;)