Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I played hookey from school today....

...and finally remembered to take my camera to the quilt show. They have my name spelled correctly now on the note on my sweater. I attended a quilting workshop all day today. My finished project won't be appearing for several weeks I think, but it was fun! I sure learned a lot and my head is swimming with ideas. It was a little intimidating since everyone in the class of 8 but me were very experienced quilters - belonged to quilt guilds and the like and had entered the quilt show many times. They were all very nice and creative and the day flew by!

George got two walls in the bathroom wall papered tonight while I worked on the eternal grading of papers. We are going to a Mardi Gras party Friday evening which sounds like fun. Meanwhile...back to work!

1 comment:

CB said...

Very Nice - Congratulations on the Ribbon!
Thanks for the comment on my blog. Grant is back to normal now.