Friday, December 28, 2007

Post Christmas

It was a lovely Christmas. I posted the latest pictures of everyone below. All 3 kids are currently home and it was nice to witness them all interacting and sharing conversation last night.

I'm a bit bummed right now since my paycheck doesn't reflect the overload payment I was verbally lead to believe and trusted that I would receive at the end of the fall semester. Now I shall have to write an email to the chair of the dept. and the dean requesting that they state in writing that I will be paid for the fall and spring overloads, how much they will pay me and when, or I will NOT teach the scheduled Spring semester overload lab section. I really hate being put in this position. Once I solved their problem due to their lack of adequate planning they dropped the ball. A real morale booster, that's for sure! Gee, I just can't wait to go back to work!


Kate said...

that sucks! Always get it in writing what you'll be paid. Been there done that with scrapping never again...

CB said...

Been there, done that too. Once got a raise 5 months after it was promised, and only after I sent a business like, yet rather nasty, e-mail to an always absent boss. Hope they go back and make the Fall semester right for you.

Willa said...

Thanks Kathleen and Cindy for your comments! I wrote an email to my boss and the dean requesting a written statement of what and when I would be paid. They both apologized and I was told I would be paid at the end of May! I still don't know how much, so they must produce a statement! I'm most upset I think about the nonchalant, unprofessional way this was handled. I've learned not to "trust" they will do the right thing. From now on I will be blunt and request everything in writing upfront for all the "extras" they request of me! That will go a long way to reducing stress and frustration!