I am so proud of my country right now. I had tears flowing down my cheeks as I read that Obama has won! Yeah for Ohio!!
I am much more optimistic about the potential for positive change. We did it! We showed the world that we aren't all bigoted, ugly Americans who can't see that we are ALL people despite our differences. Just think what we could do if we all worked together instead of constantly just thinking about "me". What I liked best about Obama was his even-keeled, unflappable, level-headed approach to his whole campaign. He has guts and perseverance. He didn't always succeed at staying on the high road, but he sure did the best job of avoiding the mud slinging that I've seen in a long time.
I respected Senator McCain also. It wouldn't have been a tragedy if he had been elected, although the unfortunate selection of Palin as his running mate made me seriously question his ability to make good decisions. Electing Palin as vice president WOULD have been a serious set back for America for many reasons. For one, it would have empowered those that promote teaching "intelligent design"! Good grief! I can't believe she was even considered as a possibility!
Obama certainly has his work cut out for him. I certainly wouldn't want the job. He has a tough road to follow with the huge problems created over the last 8 years. It will be an interesting time. But at least there is now hope and energy and optimism. My hope is that that can be built upon instead of wearing away. There will be so many problems, obstacles and distractions.
I loved this comment I found and totally agree with it:
Congratulations President-Elect Obama on your sweeping victory. Thank you Senator McCain for your very gracious concession speech. Following the example of these two great men, it is now time to move forward and to repair all of the damage that has been done over the last 8 years.
We need to unite as a nation over themes and ideas that are important to us all.
Themes like the supremacy of the rule of law in our constitutional democracy.
Respecting fundamental human rights as a global principle, not just an American one.
Renouncing torture and the suspension of habeus corpus.
Renouncing extraordinary rendition and prisons like Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib.
Respecting civil rights for all people, whether they be white, black, brown, yellow or polka dot. Whether they be gay, straight or anything in between. Whether they be young or old, rich or poor, natural born or foreign born. We are all just one race, one people, sharing one planet.
Moving from an oil based economy to a renewable energy based economy. Becoming a world leader in the creation of a green infrastructure which will support green jobs and green technologies.
Mending fences with our neighbors for all of the damages caused by the Iraq war.
And finally, leading the world in the slowing of global warming, and finding solutions that will allow us to share the planet equitably with all life.